Current Limitations of CSiAPIv1
Some current limitations of the CSi API are listed here:
Cannot add custom grids except via database method (implemented w/ Kudu);
Add/edit stories method fails to complete if objects exist or have existed in the model; user must manually edit stories or start new model from existing file;
Delete method is very slow if ItemType=Object is used;
Cannot draw design strip objects except via database method;
Cannot draw tendon objects in ETABS, SAFE except via database method;
Cannot assign automesh option to objects in ETABS, SAFE except via database method (implemented w/ Kudu);
Certain load directions cannot be assigned to (Assign Load components);
Shell uniform load sets cannot be defined or assigned except via database method;
Certain assignments cannot be made with the Group or SelectedObjects ItemType;
Additional Limitations of Kudu
Some current limitations of Kudu are listed here:
Kudu currently only functions when the Rhino model units are feet or meters;
When using Kudu with SAP2000, SAP units should be lb,in,F (Imperial) or N,mm,C (Metric) to avoid undesirable behavior.
Common Messages
No running instance of the program found or failed to attach.
This message occurs if no running instance of the SAP2000, ETABS, or SAFE can be found. The user must open an instance of the program and open or create a new model and attach to it with the Attach component found in the Kudu>File tab.
API script failed to complete.
This message occurs if the API script fails. This can be for any number of reasons, including but not limited to the following:
The model is locked (Edit, Define, Draw, Assign components);
The object being drawn already exists in the model (Draw components);
The unique name for the object being drawn already exists in the model (Draw components);
The property name for the object being drawn does not exist in the model (Draw components);
The object being drawn does not exist at the Datum defined in SAFE (SAFE only);
Both ends of a frame element are released in axial, shear, and/or torsion (Assign Frame>End Releases)
API script completed successfully.
This message occurs when the API script completes successfully.
Last updated