Welcome to Kudu
Kudu is a Grasshopper component library which exposes CSi API methods, allowing control of SAP2000, ETABS, & SAFE functionality from within Grasshopper.
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Kudu is a Grasshopper component library which exposes CSi API methods, allowing control of SAP2000, ETABS, & SAFE functionality from within Grasshopper.
Last updated
Kudu embeds CSi API methods inside Grasshopper components. Each Kudu component is a one-to-one representation of its equivalent API method. This gives unmitigated control of CSi API methods to the Kudu user and allows for unlimited customization. What's more: Kudu does not obscure data in an object model, which allows users to easily add additional functionality with their own CSi API custom scripts.
Edit towers, stories & grid systems;
Define materials, section properties, load patterns and combinations, groups, and more;
Draw frame, shell, joint, link, cable, tendon, and design strip objects;
Assign loads, restraints, releases, sections, materials, groups, and more;
Design concrete, steel, and composite steel framing, and concrete shear walls and slabs;
Display analysis and design data;
Get model objects, definitions, and assignments;
Additional features and functionality coming soon!